smart transport
for smarter events

Technology to help you organise and manage transport capacity, collaborate with transporters and delight your event attendees.

Get more done with Smartseats

Create events with ease

Create events and invite your attendees to manage their transportation needs via Smartseats. Your attendees will be able to books seats with immediate confirmations.

Share files with attendees

Upload files to your events to let your attendees view them from the Smartseats mobile app. We support images and your office documents.

Real-time seat allocation

Keep up with attendee changes related to event transportation capacity and choose when attendees can start booking seats on available event vehicles.

Invite team members

Invite other organisers to join you as needed. Give them access so they can see and manage projects with you from SmartSeats event admin portal.

Migrate to Smartseats with Excel

Start using Smartseats immediately by syncing a newly created event wit your event Excel worksheet. You can quickly map and rename your columns to import data.

A mobile app for attendees

Get the attention of attendees with our iOS and Android mobile apps. Setup notifications reminders so they don't miss their booked journeys.

Share and view all your event files.

Enhance your event by sharing a welcome message to your attendees and letting them know why the files you shared with them are important.

Easily upload images and documents to your event projects to allow all attendees to view them.

Download our Smartseats app

For Event organisers, Transport coordinators and Attendees.

Our app allows event attendees to book seats on available event transportation, access key files and receive booking reminders.

Messaging between event admins and attendees ( Coming soon ).

Your event transport solutions powered by SmartSeats.

Made with ❤️ in Brussels, Belgium.

© Copyright 2023 SmartSeats SRL. All rights reserved.